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Wednesday 27 November 2013

Here Are The 10 Most Powerful Supercomputers And They All Run Linux!

Here's the latest list of the top 10 supercomputers in the world, basis the ranking by top500. These mighty machines has been ranked on the basis of their performance on the organisation's demanding Linpack benchmark. And guess who is powering all these super machines? Yes, it's the Linux kernel running in their veins!

Linux, open source, supercomuters, Tianhe-2, Titan, Sequoia, K Computer, Mira, Stampede, JUQUEEN, SuperMUC, Tianhe-1A, Fermi                                      
10. Fermi

Based at Italy's CINECA joint venture, Fermi is the first Blue Gene/Q-based system on our list, clocking in at 1.72 petaflops driven by 163,840 PowerPC cores.

Runs on Linux.

9. Tianhe-1A

The only Chinese entry into this top 10, Tianhe-1A turned in a 2.56 petaflop performance mark, on the strength of its 186,368 Xeon processor cores. It's also the first machine on this list to use co-processors for additional performance -- 100,352 Nvidia 2050 cores, to be precise.

Runs on Linux.

8. SuperMUC

A hardy perennial of the Top500 list, SuperMUC is based at the Leibniz Supercomputing Center near Munich. Clocking in at 2.89 petaflops, it's powered by 147,456 Intel Sandy Bridge processors.

Runs on Linux.


Juelich-based JUQUEEN eclipsed its German rival SuperMUC to capture the fifth spot on the November list, posting a 4.14-petaflop mark on the Linpack test. Unlike SuperMUC, it's powered by a 393,216-core Blue Gene/Q system.

Runs on Linux.

6. Stampede

Dell's Stampede, which rode its new Intel Xeon Phi processors a total of 204,900 cores' worth to a 2.66 petaflop benchmark. Installed at the University of Texas in Austin, Stampede also packs 112,500 accelerator cores as part of the Xeon Phi platform.

Runs on Linux.

5. Mira

Also using the Blue Gene/Q architecture is Mira, of the Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratories. However, it packs substantially more cores than JUQUEEN -- 786,432, to be exact -- in return for a nearly doubled performance return of 8.16 petaflops.

Runs on Linux.

4. K Computer

Dropping to the third place is the Fujitsu K Computer, at Japan's RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Sciences. Using 705,024 SPARC64 cores, it produced a Linpack score of 10.51 petaflops.

Runs on Linux.

3. Sequoia

The first million-core system, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories' Sequoia was once the top dog in the super computer list. It cranks out a whopping 16.32 petaflops with its 1,572,864 processor cores. Sequoia is the fourth and last Blue Gene/Q system on the latest list.

Runs on Linux.

2. Titan

The appropriately named Titan is a Cray XK7 powerhouse, producing 17.59 petaflops of performance using 560,640 AMD Opteron processor cores and 261,632 Nvidia K20x accelerators. It operates at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Runs on Linux.

1. Tianhe-2

A supercomputer developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology, is the world’s new No. 1 system with a performance of 33.86 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark, according to the 41stedition of the twice-yearlyTOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers. The list was announced June 17 during the opening session of the 2013 International Supercomputing Conference in Leipzig, Germany.

Runs on Linux.

Source : Internet

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