5th March,2015, Techseekers ,There are two sides of a coin. Internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages is "Cyber crime" – illegal activitiy committed on the internet these days. cyber-security threats are increasing as quickly as we can implement measures against them. Hackers have lots of different ways to steal your private data and information. And the main reason why hackers go after your personal information is identity theft!
But the fact is that , we are not aware about the cyber crime and Cyber terrorism properly , and for the lack of knowledge about cyber security we are loosing our confidential information every day.
As Northeast's states are not properly developed in case of technology. But there are increasing number of regular internet user.This is a noticable thing that this is the era of globalization, in internet there is no political boundaries among the countries of the world. So you can be hacked by anyone from anywhere in the world.
As you visit a website, login to your email, post an update on Facebook, or do any other activity online, you inevitably leave digital footprints that can be tracked and traced back to your identity .
To prevent such cyber crime & Terrorism , the Ceo & Founder of TRIPURA CYBER FORCE ,viz. Animesh H Das and his team announced "HACK MANTRA" a free workshop of "Cyber Awareness & Ethical hacking" for the school & institutions of Northeast india. Any school /Institute can organize this workshop to create awareness among the teenagers. Recently, TCF organizing a paid workshop in "ISHAANYA 2015 " : annual technical Festival of TIT. The details of the workshop are given below... interested geek can participate and learn the counter measure technique to secure himself from Hacking.
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Register @ Hackathon |
WORKSHOP DATE: 21st March,2015.
VENUE: Tripura Institute Of Technology.
Fee : 550/- per Student. [ 1400/- for Group Registration of 3 particpants ]
Workshop Kit: Certificate, Forensic kit, Study Material.
Competion : 25th March,2015.
Prize : Worth Value 10,000/- Inr .
Register : http://goo.gl/JyO0DJ
Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Module 02: Footprinting and Reconnaissance
Module 03: Scanning Networks
Module 04: Enumeration
Module 05: System Hacking
Module 06: Trojans and Backdoors
Module 07: Viruses and Worms
Module 08: Sniffers
Module 09: Social Engineering
Module 10: Hacking Webservers
Module 11: Hacking Web Applications
Module 12: SQL Injection
Module 13: Hacking Wireless Networks
Module 14: Cryptography
Module 15: Penetration Testing
Module 16: Mobile Hacking
Module 02: Footprinting and Reconnaissance
Module 03: Scanning Networks
Module 04: Enumeration
Module 05: System Hacking
Module 06: Trojans and Backdoors
Module 07: Viruses and Worms
Module 08: Sniffers
Module 09: Social Engineering
Module 10: Hacking Webservers
Module 11: Hacking Web Applications
Module 12: SQL Injection
Module 13: Hacking Wireless Networks
Module 14: Cryptography
Module 15: Penetration Testing
Module 16: Mobile Hacking
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